First Flight May 2008.
Permit to August 2020
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listing placed 16 September 2019 United Kingdom

Price Reduced XAIR HAWK £13.500

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Hawk £13.500

G-CESJ Xair Hawk 520 Hrs.A/F 583 Hrs.Eng. Jabiru 2200
Newton propeller 61"x42".
First Flight May 2008.
Permit to August 2020
Cruise @ 90 (2)30 lt.fuel tanks capacity 60lt.
giving a range of four hrs. eg easily.Aberdeen to Dornoch and back a journey over 200 miles with fuel to spare
Comes with Icom 8.33 handheld radio + 2 headsetts
Transponder KT76c with encoder
Spatts (not fitted) and is ready to Fly away
aircraft is based in Aberdeenshire.

Contact the advertiser Contact Details 07866287073 or 07879453935 Explore Possible Finance