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listing placed 11 October 2017 United Kingdom

Microlight NPPL Beds Peterborough MK Trial Flights

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Flight Design CT2K

AvAir Ltd Flight School for Trial Flights and Gift Vouchers.
We offer trial flights from as little as £55 for 20 minutes. You can purchase a gift voucher and it will be valid for 9 months from the date of issue. We also offer NPPL Microlight 3 Axis flight training, ground school and licence re-validation. We operate from Sackville Farm Riseley Bedford and Lyveden Airfield Brigstock Northants.
Our Flight Design CT2K has a 100hp Rotax engine, great for flight training and touring when you have completed your NPPL (M) Licence. We also hire the aircraft on an hourly rate or join our non equity share syndicate poa.
Please visit our website for further information and booking or e mail us at

Contact the advertiser Contact Details 07411326272 Explore Possible Finance

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