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listing placed 23 August 2020 United Kingdom

1/10th share in Fournier RF3

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Fournier RF3 £975

1/10th share in Fournier RF3 based at Top Farm, near Royston, South Cambs.

Although the aircraft is a motor glider it performs more like a light aircraft and is equally at home cruising/touring at 80 knots (or more) as it is thermalling or exploiting cloud streets.

- Single seat
- Retractable undercarriage (just needs a thorough briefing, no formal training required)
- 1400cc engine (upgraded from standard 1200cc engine so excellent performance)

Despite being a relatively large syndicate, availability is excellent with the aircraft only having flown around 50 hours in each of the last few years. We also operate an online booking system to avoid any wasted journeys.

Monthly costs are only £25/month and the hourly rate is £30/hour. You won't find cheaper flying than this and you will struggle to find an aircraft which is as nice to fly. Syndicate funds are very healthy and the monthly and hourly rates are intended to cover all costs to avoid the need for any cash-calls. I have been in the syndicate for 25 years and in that time we have only had one cash-call, when we decided to have the aircraft completely re-covered and resprayed in 2003.

As the aircraft is classed as a motor glider, you will need either TMG or SLMG ratings on your licence but this is fairly easily added if you don't have one at present.

If you are interested or would just like to chat about the aircraft please give me a call.


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