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listing placed 15 October 2022 United Kingdom

Sonex G-SNXA - SOLD - off to Yorkshire

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A model, tailwheel, £22,500

I’ve got to sell my close to complete Sonex kit as I’m now living abroad and shipping it out here has proved impractical.

Wings, tail, engine complete, fuselage and wiring largely complete - outstanding is engine installation, finish wiring, cowl, canopy, and rigging.

The 80hp AeroVee engine has flown about 30 hours in another Sonex so run in, inhibited at the moment.

The kit comes complete with a large set of tools, spare metal, and fittings. Sonex provide 2 canopies with each kit, they’re both safe in their original large shipping box.

All interiors corrosion proofed.

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