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listing placed 12 April 2023 United Kingdom

1/4 Share Piper PA-24 Comanche £12,500 Wales

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Comanche 260B 12500

I’m looking to sell quarter shares in my 1966 Piper PA-24 Comanche 260B. The aircraft is a 6 seater, high performance complex aircraft.

Share Price: £12,500
Maintenance Fund Contribution: £500
Monthly: £100
Hourly: £85 Dry

It has a cruising speed of approximately 160kts with a fuel burn of 12 to 14gph.

Share owner is entitled to 25% of the equity of the aircraft regardless of my future investment, they are welcome to contribute but not expected to as it is unrealistic to expect the additional outlay.

Aircraft js be registered to a LTD company and the trust for the aircraft will be held by this company, equity shares in the company will be dispersed based on percentage ownership or exact equity value.

Based at EGFF (Cardiff), can be relocated to EGFH (Swansea) if needed


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