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listing placed 19 February 2013 United Kingdom

Vote of No Confidence AMENDED

As many of the BMAA Forum users & Members will have noticed, the BMAA Council have taken the decision to stifle the potential of gaining New members by locking the BMAA Forum down for only BMAA Members to have posting rights. This inept action is not only detrimental to the potential enhancement of the BMAA, it is also potentially damaging to the entire microlight industry as newcomers to the sport have no access to ask the bmaa members & microlight end users questions via the forum on the BMAA website.
This decision was proposed & seconded by 2 new BMAA Council members without any prior consultation of what the membership opinion on the subject was.
Both these Council members claimed in their manifesto to want to consult members on new matters arising, yet they did the complete opposite. The BMAA is in danger of losing members & furthermore the closure of posting privileges to potential members is detrimental to the enhancement of membership numbers.
Whilst this forum restriction may seem trivial to a few, it should be looked upon as the prelude of more detrimental things to come

The BMAA Council members this relates to are: Kirk Sutton & Richard Goddin

I feel the time has come to request an EGM for a Vote of No Confidence to be cast in these particular Council members of the BMAA Council.
To effect an Extraordinary General Meeting we need to comply with :

32. Notice of and Calling General Meetings
32.1 General meetings are called on at least 14 clear days written notice
32.2 A general meeting may be called at any time by the Board or by the Secretary acting
on behalf of the Board or may be called on a written request to the Board from at
least 5% of the Voting Members.
32.3 On receipt of a written request made pursuant to Article 32.1, the Secretary must call
a general meeting within 21 days and the general meeting must be held not more
than 28 days after the date of the notice calling the general meeting.

On the basis that the BMAA Membership is approximately 3700 members we need 185 Voting members to support the Vote of No Confidence. Any BMAA Members with voting rights who wish to support the Vote of No Confidence are asked to email with a Vote of No Confidence statement with your membership number.
Example : "If these particular BMAA Council members are not capable of serving BMAA Members requests & concerns, I suggest that we request these two Council members are asked to stand down for the good of the membership. I move for a Vote of No Confidence in these particular BMAA Council members."

If you wish to only express a Vote of No Confidence in one of the two candidates, please state this clearly on your submission so we can put the appropriate Vote forward to the BMAA.

Any emails will be collated and once we have the 5% quorum, a written request to the board will be sent requesting that the Vote of No Confidence be addressed with utmost urgency under section 32 of ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH MICROLIGHT AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION.

I hope the membership support this request before the current BMAA Council do irrecoverable damage to your Association.

Can I ask for a BMAA member to post a message on the BMAA Forum pointing to this link to give it more exposure.

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