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listing placed 22 November 2014 United Kingdom

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London - Two Tariff Cessna Elstree from ?85ph

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?85ph - ?90ph

We believe our Cessna 150 to be the best value group in the country.

G-AWOT as pictured is an immaculate aircraft that is a delight to fly.

There is no need to have a club membership for the airfield and landing fees & all other costs are included in your hourly rate. Have the advantages of owning your own aircraft but without the risk of maintenance & unexpected bills. Current license holders, student pilots and those working towards a commercial license are welcome to join.

We hire aircraft based on tacho time rather than a "brakes off" basis, giving you far better value for money and ultimately more flight time.

Simple to use internet booking system.

Places are limited, to ensure good availability for the aircraft. There is no joining fee.

Tariff 1 (best for those who fly more than two hours per month):
Monthly fee: ?60
Hourly rate: ?90 per tacho hour (wet)
Hour building packages from ?85 per tacho hour (wet)

Tariff 2 (limited to just five places):
No monthly fee
Hourly rate: ?120 per tacho hour (wet)

Save on club hire rates after just one hour of flying a month. The more you fly the more you save!

Contact Richard - - 07597 315695

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