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listing placed 28 April 2008 United Kingdom
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Would you like to learn how to safely tow a hang glider behind a flexwing microlight?
Airways Airsports near Ashbourne in Derbyshire would like to offer flexwing microlight pilots the opportunity to fly G-WHEE, their Airways Quantum 912 Glider Tug, and learn how to become an aerotow pilot.
Aerotow Pilot is a BHPA rating, will develop your flying skills and you can learn how at the top hang-gliding aerotow school in the UK.
Interested? Would you like to know more? Then if you have at least 100 hours P1 experience in flexwings then get in touch and come and give it a try!
You can ring Airways for a chat, give me a call on 07801-385483 or drop me an email to