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listing placed 01 November 2024 United Kingdom

Alpi Pioneer 300 - 1/2 equity share in East Sussex

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Pioneer 300 £26,000

Alpi Pioneer 300 - 1/2 share for £26,000

- Classic Italian design which is fast, manoeuvrable and responsive, good short-field performance and benign stall characteristics
- Capable light tourer - happily cruises at 120-130kts with up to 4 hrs endurance
- Recent trips include Wales, Cornwall, East Anglia & France - possible to visit the Alps or North of Scotland in one hop
- Excellent availability with regular use
- Costs: £60 p/h wet, £160 per month (to be agreed within group)
- Will consider 2x 1/3 shares if suitable interest

- Hangered at Spilsted Farm airfield near Battle in East Sussex, close to the A21, with good facilities
- Small but active local flying community, on-site maintenance facility
- Usually flyable throughout winter

- Group A LAA aircraft - suitable for PPL/LAPL with SEP & NPPL with SSEA
- LAA permit until September 2025
- Actively maintained by the group, backed up by local LAA inspector and on-site engineering
- Relatively easy to maintain with helpful owner's network and good parts availability
- Experienced local instructor available for any familiarisation and differences training

Aircraft Features
- Rotax 912 100HP
- Retractable undercarriage and VP prop
- Active stall, undercarriage, and CO warning systems
- 3-axis electric trim
- Enhanced instrument set - Garmin G5 AH/HSI with analogue ASI, Alti, VSI & Turn coord
- Solid avionics - Trig TY96A panel radio, Garmin 328 mode-S transponder, Garmin GPSMap 396 backup GPS
- Oil thermostat for fast engine warmup
- 570kg MTOW / 240kg useful load / 80 litre tanks
- Airframe 680 hrs / Engine 800 hrs / Prop 160hrs

Equipment included
- Passenger ANR headset
- Life jackets x2
- Pilotaware Rosetta
- RAM mount for iPad
- Trestles for maintenance

Contact Daniel on details below

Contact the advertiser

Contact Details 07838 375 044 / omaindc @

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