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listing placed 01 October 2020 United Kingdom

pocklington airfield

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hi all glider pilots and ga pilots the airfield at pocklington as had a planning application for houses again another ww2 airfield marked for demolition have your say and hopefully we can block it and save this historic site?
RAF Pocklington, East Yorkshire, England
This important former WW2 airfield still supports flying in the form of The Wolds Gliding Club of which I am proud to be a member. The gliding club is a well loved and popular facility providing the opportunity for anyone to learn to fly in a cost effective manner. Unfortunately the club's and hence the airfield's future is threatened by a planning application to build housing close to the threshold of one of the Runways. The club believes that if it is built it will be difficult to ensure the continued safe operation of the airfield.
Can anyone interested in keeping RAF Pocklington as an operating airfield please make their views known to the local planning authority via this link. The date for responses is 9th October 2020.
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many thanks captain colin s r o'buckley

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