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Exploring the possibility of a new flying group
In a lovely Dynamic WT09 froma central Yorkshire airfield , just testing water to see if there is any interest
Figures are not set in stone let me know your thoughts
Send me your name ,current licence status Hours on type
Location and age please via text or whatsapp
Text to 07821 303033 And I will call you back when I can
I will give you a call to discuss if interested
Radio , transponder , sky echo2 , ipad nav with skydemon
headsets , ready to go.
5 hours duration with 2 x 38lt tanks
Cost £10,000 each
Monthly cost only £50 fully inclusive
Per tacho hour £30 dry (airctraft only burns @ 10-12 lt hr)
can be flown on microlight or ga licence , good cheap hour building
Online booking system
Limited to 6 shares , so availability would be good