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EV-97 EUROSTAR SL MICROLIGHT Share (one seventh) (£5,750.00)
A rare opportunity to acquire a share in a lovely well maintained Eurostar SL Microlight based at Wycombe Air Park (EGTB) (Booker airfield), situated near the M25/M40. Current Permit to fly until 20 June 2024, factory built in 2013, 50hr check Jan 24 and service. Has a Rotax 912ul and is fitted with an aircraft ballistic recovery system. The engine has 1700 hours, flown about 150 hours per year and has Kanardia HORIS 80, mode 'S' transponder, 833 radio and installed Pilotaware Rosetta. Monthly £60, hourly £50 wet with no landing fees. You'll need to be a competent pilot and BMAA member. Contact Brian 07711267226.
Unexpectedly, another share has become available. Now all sold. Thanks afors